Inverted Field Reversal?

There are a dozen scenarios around the December 21, 2012 Mayan calendar (and other 2012 cultural musings), but one that's most intriguing and getting the attention of scientists is what's known as the galactic alignment. Why do hurricanes and tornadoes that strike near or around Topeka, Kansas turn counter-clockwise? Why do toilets flush the water dwon ther drain clockwise in Santiago, Chili? Like who cares?

When a massive tornado skipped over Burnett's Mound in Topeka, Kansas June 8, 1966 causing $100 million dolalrs in damage and taking more than a dozen lives, I was hiding in the basement as the tornado roared over my head. The last thing I was thinking about was in which direction is this tornado swirling? Nor was I wondering which way the hurricane was swirling when I was in the midst of a hurricane on the South Carolina coast at an earalier age.

So, I think it not strange that only a few (mostly scientists) worry about the potential for my toilet water to flush clockwise (now that I live in Houston, Texas). This is more important than any brown dwarf out there somewhere!

Much like the Tai Chi symbol symbol where the black is on the left, it will end up on the right IF scientists are right. Out in our galaxy there is a giant wheel revolving – we are actually on a slow wobble and the stars are just appearing to revolve. This “precession of the equinoxes” takes 25,800 years to complete one cycle- give or take a week or two. :-)

Greek astronomer Hipparchus (190-120 BC) is widely acknowledged as the discoverer of the precession of the equinoxes, yet the ancient Egyptians and Maya were also aware of it. John Major Jenkins wrote the book, Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 in which he shows that the Maya not only understood precession, but that their 2012 end-date predicted a special happening in our universe.

Our galaxy has a centre which all the stars take millions of years to revolve around, and it is located in the starriest part of the Milky Way, as seen from Earth. On four occasions within the 25,800-year cycle our galactic centre aligns with the sunrise of a solstice or equinox. The last time it occurred was on a fall equinox 6,450 years ago, approximately the dawn of Old World civilisations. On Dec 21, 2012, which is a winter solstice (Northern Hemisphere) this centre will align with our sun once more.


The assumptions are that our basic orientations will be inverted. Jenkins specifically says, "On the level of human civilization, our basic assumptions and foundation values will be exposed, and we will have the opportunity to embrace values long since driven under the surface of our collective consciousness”. A major dimensional shift.

The field-effect reversal that mystics and futurists intuitively feel occurring on this planet bodes an impending pole shift, a literal shift in the position of the Earth's North Celestial Pole. What all that would mean isn't totally imaginable, except of course, my toilet bowl water would flow out in a clockwise motion- if I'm still in Houston, Texas.

Carl Jung called this dark possibility of catstrophic events as also an opportunity for an unconscious awakening- enantiodromia. In other words, we're headed for a major social-societal change wherein a polarization of values will occur (already is with Islam & Christianity as an example), opposites confront each other and the resultant is a whole new set of values.

Are we ever in need of that now! Must we wait until 2102? :-)

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